146 research outputs found

    Специфіка методики викладання порівняльного правознавства

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено осмисленню специфіки методик викладання порівняльного правознавства. Автор вважає, що для слухача курсу достатньо вивчення правових явищ однієї з правових систем з використанням її джерел мовою оригіналу. На основі здійсненого аналізу існуючих методик викладання порівняльного правознавства, а також його сприйняття обґрунтовується необхідність самостійного визначення методики для отримання максимальної варіативності функціональних результатів

    Three Levels of AI Transparency

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    Transparency is generally cited as a key consideration towards building Trustworthy AI. However, the concept of transparency is fragmented in AI research, often limited to transparency of the algorithm alone. While considerable attempts have been made to expand the scope beyond the algorithm, there has yet to be a holistic approach that includes not only the AI system, but also the user, and society at large. We propose that AI transparency operates on three levels, (1) Algorithmic Transparency, (2) Interaction Transparency, and (3) Social Transparency, all of which need to be considered to build trust in AI. We expand upon these levels using current research directions, and identify research gaps resulting from the conceptual fragmentation of AI transparency highlighted within the context of the three levels

    TransFusion: Generating Long, High Fidelity Time Series using Diffusion Models with Transformers

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    The generation of high-quality, long-sequenced time-series data is essential due to its wide range of applications. In the past, standalone Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Network-based Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) were used to synthesize time-series data. However, they are inadequate for generating long sequences of time-series data due to limitations in the architecture. Furthermore, GANs are well known for their training instability and mode collapse problem. To address this, we propose TransFusion, a diffusion, and transformers-based generative model to generate high-quality long-sequence time-series data. We have stretched the sequence length to 384, and generated high-quality synthetic data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that has been done with this long-sequence length. Also, we introduce two evaluation metrics to evaluate the quality of the synthetic data as well as its predictive characteristics. We evaluate TransFusion with a wide variety of visual and empirical metrics, and TransFusion outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by a significant margin

    Autonomous 3D Exploration in Large-Scale Environments with Dynamic Obstacles

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    Exploration in dynamic and uncertain real-world environments is an open problem in robotics and constitutes a foundational capability of autonomous systems operating in most of the real world. While 3D exploration planning has been extensively studied, the environments are assumed static or only reactive collision avoidance is carried out. We propose a novel approach to not only avoid dynamic obstacles but also include them in the plan itself, to exploit the dynamic environment in the agent's favor. The proposed planner, Dynamic Autonomous Exploration Planner (DAEP), extends AEP to explicitly plan with respect to dynamic obstacles. To thoroughly evaluate exploration planners in such settings we propose a new enhanced benchmark suite with several dynamic environments, including large-scale outdoor environments. DAEP outperform state-of-the-art planners in dynamic and large-scale environments. DAEP is shown to be more effective at both exploration and collision avoidance.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Research with Collaborative Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    We provide an overview of ongoing research which targets development of a principled framework for mixed-initiative interaction with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). UASs are now becoming technologically mature enough to be integrated into civil society. Principled interaction between UASs and human resources is an essential component in their future uses in complex emergency services or bluelight scenarios. In our current research, we have targeted a triad of fundamental, interdependent conceptual issues: delegation, mixed- initiative interaction and adjustable autonomy, that is being used as a basis for developing a principled and well-defined framework for interaction. This can be used to clarify, validate and verify different types of interaction between human operators and UAS systems both theoretically and practically in UAS experimentation with our deployed platforms

    Achieving a Data‐Driven Risk Assessment Methodology for Ethical AI

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    The AI landscape demands a broad set of legal, ethical, and societal considerations to be accounted for in order to develop ethical AI (eAI) solutions which sustain human values and rights. Currently, a variety of guidelines and a handful of niche tools exist to account for and tackle individual challenges. However, it is also well established that many organizations face practical challenges in navigating these considerations from a risk management perspective within AI governance. Therefore, new methodologies are needed to provide a well-vetted and real-world applicable structure and path through the checks and balances needed for ethically assessing and guiding the development of AI. In this paper, we show that a multidisciplinary research approach, spanning cross-sectional viewpoints, is the foundation of a pragmatic definition of ethical and societal risks faced by organizations using AI. Equally important are the findings of cross-structural governance for implementing eAI successfully. Based on evidence acquired from our multidisciplinary research investigation, we propose a novel data-driven risk assessment methodology, entitled DRESS-eAI. In addition, through the evaluation of our methodological implementation, we demonstrate its state-of-the-art relevance as a tool for sustaining human values in the data-driven AI era

    Sustainable AI : An inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence

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    This report is an inventory of the state of knowledge of ethical, social, and legal challenges related to artificial intelligence conducted within the Swedish Vinnova-funded project “Hållbar AI – AI Ethics and Sustainability”, led by Anna Felländer. Based on a review and mapping of reports and studies, a quantitative and bibliometric analysis, and in-depth analyses of the healt- care sector, the telecom sector, and digital platforms, the report proposes three recommendations. Sustainable AI requires: 1. a broad focus on AI governance and regulation issues, 2. promoting multi-disciplinary collaboration, and 3. building trust in AI applications and applied machine-learning, which is a matter of key importance and requires further study of the relationship between transparency and accountability